brain & body health

healthcare providers


 I am always excited to meet people working in the area of health, healthcare, and education and think there is a lot to gain from exchanging thoughts, ideas and resources. Knowing you and what you are about also allows me to connect anybody I work with to you – because none of us can know everything or be good at everything. So do reach out and I look forward to meeting you. 

Continuous professional development

If you are interested in learning about how to work in a psychologically informed way and to use tools such as active listening, motivational interviewing, behaviour change and collaborative goal-setting to assist your clients in their journey, whether you are a sole practitioner or part of a larger team, reach out to arrange a time to meet and talk about what it is that you and or your team need. I am an experienced facilitator of workshops and one on one learning sessions. 

Research projects

If you are in the lucky position to run a research project – whether that be as part of a formal degree or as part of a grant and you feel lost as to where to start, I might be able to assist. I have completed research projects in the areas of psychology, neuroscience and health myself and have assisted many people in projects including

  • small three month sabbaticals 
  • multi-site projects 
  • work-based projects
  • foundational science projects

Contact me for a sample schedule of services and fees.

learning never stops
psychologically informed ways of working
Collaborative approach


I was connected with Sylvia via Tech Futures Lab as my Masters advisor.  As a mature student embarking on my Masters I was excited but also very daunted by the prospect. I was juggling a high workload in an important role and wanting to give my growth and development my all.  My fortnightly meetings with Sylvia became a must time for me.  Sylvia listened to my thinking, challenged appropriately and helped me to shape and formulate my ideas into coherent concepts that not only fitted what was required but also integrated with my values.  I worked consistently with Sylvia for 18 months and found her to be nurturing and strong, filled with incredible wisdom and with an ability to pull data and concepts into the mix that I wouldn’t have otherwise been aware of. My meetings with Sylvia were enjoyable and thought provoking – I always came away with a gem, a thread or a clear direction for the coming week.  My Masters project was a deeper and more meaningful piece of work for Sylvia’s involvement.

Lara Jones

National Sales Manager, Boehringer Ingelheim & Co-owner of Momentum Pilates, Tauranga, New Zealand

“I have been fortunate to have had Sylvia as my supervisor for my studies in the Masters of Technological Futures with acdemyEx over the past two years. The great thing about Sylvia is that she is both a very knowledgeable and informed academic and a skilled and empathetic clinician. So from Sylvia you can be sure your care will be informed by the latest science. Sylvia understands the difficulties and challenges people experience when they are extending themselves, physically or mentally, and she is skilled at encouraging one to keep going. It is very hard to give up when Sylvia is your coach or mentor.”

Mary Baldwin

CEO Apollo Medical Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand

“Sylvia is that rare combination of smarts and heart. I had the pleasure of receiving Sylvia’s guidance during a transformative period of my life. Sylvia provided me with the encouragement, mentoring and the support I needed to exceed my personal and professional goals. The world needs more people like Sylvia, who bring together disciplines and connect the dots.” 

Dr Reza Jarral

Edmund Hillary Fellow; Clinical Director, CareHQ; Clinical Director for Equity, ProCare

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