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“without questions there is no learning.”

(W. Edwards Deming)



What do I need to bring/how can I prepare for a consultation or session?

The two passions of Powerx2 are learning and movement, so whether you are connecting for the first time for a consultation (either in person or online) or a subsequent session, it would be good if you were prepared for that. Bring all your questions, worries, thoughts and ideally wear something you are comfortable to move in, such as wide pants and walking shoes. 

How much will it cost?

An initial consultation will be priced at NZ$172.50. At that time, we can discuss what might be suitable going forward. For example, you might like to carry on working in a one-to-one fashion. Alternatively, or perhaps in addition, you might find one of the Powerx2 programmes interesting. The total cost will therefore vary from person to person. See the ‘What to expect’ section under “For Patients” for more detail.

Do I need a referral?

No, a referral is not necessary to book a session with me. You can book an appointment directly with me. However, if you have any existing medical documents related to your condition, it would be helpful to bring them along.

Do you do ACC referrals?

Yes, ACC referrals are accepted and handled at Powerx2. If you have an injury covered by ACC, I can help process your claim and provide you with the necessary treatment.

Can I claim Powerx2 visits or programme attendance on my health insurance?

Powerx2 services can be claimed on most health insurance policies. I recommend contacting your insurance provider before your appointment to understand the coverage and any pre-approval requirements.

How many sessions will I need?

Please see the section ‘What to expect’ under “For Patients”. During our initial consultation we will be able to further discuss your personalised plan.

How long are the sessions?

Our sessions usually last 1 hour. However, depending on the nature of the session or your specific needs we can flexibly arrange for more time.

How do I make an appointment?

To make an appointment, simply call me at (+64 2239 53 792), send an email to (, or use the online booking system available on this website.

Is your clinic wheelchair accessible?

Yes, my space is wheelchair accessible, and there is a wide parking space available immediately outside for your convenience.

Can you prescribe medications?

No, I do not prescribe medications. However, we can discuss over-the-counter medications and I am very happy to liaise with your GP if necessary regarding prescriptions.

Can you issue a medical certificate?

No, I do not issue medical certificates. If you are unable to work or participate in specific activities resulting from your injury or condition and you require a medical certificate, I am very happy to liaise with your GP.

What payment methods do you accept?

I accept a variety of payment methods including EFTPOS, debit and credit cards (Visa and Mastercard). Payment is expected at the latest at the time of each session and you can easily pay ahead of the session through the online booking system.

Do you offer Telehealth services?

Yes, Powerx2 offers Telehealth services to provide remote consultations. This allows you to receive professional care and guidance from the comfort of your home or office using video conferencing technology.

How do you ensure data safety and patient confidentiality?

At Powerx2 data safety and patient confidentiality is taken very seriously. All of the clinical software used is secure and complies with all relevant data protection regulations. All information shared during Telehealth appointments and within the clinic is kept confidential and stored securely in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

What are the technical requirements for Telehealth appointments?

For a successful Telehealth appointment, you will need a reliable internet connection, a device with a camera and microphone (such as a smartphone, tablet, or computer), and a quiet, private space to conduct the session. Powerx2 uses a secure and easy-to-use video conferencing platform for Telehealth appointments. Detailed instructions on accessing and using the platform will be provided upon booking.

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